Promoting Public Health

Koldchain is MassChallenge Finalist!

Promoting Public Health

Supply Chain Validation Through Innovative Thermosensitive Labels

Promoting Public Health

Cold Supply Chain Monitoring and Transparency

Promoting Public Health

SMS and Smartphone Scanning Capabilities

What is Koldchain

Koldchain enables systemic validation of cold supply chain and distribution activities at the lowest possible cost and within the usual infrastructural constraints of most developing countries while integrating the data collected to predict breaches in advance. This means products that move through cold supply chains like vaccines are monitored for breaches, diversion and more critically, supply chain failures that can affect the potency of the vaccines.

What Problems Does Koldchain Address?

Traditional Cold Chain Failures

These include delays and machine breakdowns.

Counterfeiting and Diversions

Faking, tampering with stocks, thefts.

Poor Scheduling

For products like vaccines, wrong scheduling of its administration can have unwanted or even dangerous consequences.

Poor Delivery

Koldchain delivers data on the entire supply chain for monitoring and analysis to help coordinate and streamline deliveries.

How it works

Unique Labels on Every Product

Thermo-sensitive labels are placed on products at the beginning of the supply chain.

Validation Throughout the Supply Chain

Products are validated at multiple points in the supply chain using a smartphone app, SMS or a handheld scanner.

Safe Usage of Products

Safe and trusted usage of validated products at the consumer end of the supply chain.

Metrics and Analytics

Metrics on monitoring and product tracking are provided at the intuitive backend.

What Makes Koldchain Unique

Built on Trusted Technology

mPedigree has deployed its Goldkeys solutions in multiple markets, and suc- cessfully integrated it with the industrial systems and platforms of a remarkably wide range of companies, from Fortune 500 research pharmaceutical multina- tionals to smallcap distributors operating in single markets.

Goldkeys is an integrated suite of products that work together to validate supply chains on quality, transparency, integrity, and optimization benchmarks and parameters through a multi-stakeholder arrangement. The different products bring together product manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, regula- tors, researchers and consumers around one set of protocols for data exchange, interaction, and feedback. By so doing, it eliminates many of the bottlenecks that lead to graft, counterfeiting, diversion, corruption and the pro- duction of substandard products.

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Costs Distribution

The technology is free to use by downstream supply chain actors like consumers and in the case of vaccines, health professionals to verify temperature sequences mapped to distribution coordinates.

Upstream supply chain actors like distributors and manufacturers pay for the solution to enhance their compliance with good distribution practices as well as to optimise their supply chain performance thus saving them costs.

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Disruptive Capabilities

Koldchain labels go beyond those currently out there which provide a “can use/- can’t use” message by signaling with their colour change. This can be faked by simply putting on the product a label with the right colour. By combining the signaling with changes in a code that can be texted by anyone to a shortcode and only then does the user get the response that matters, we are making a stronger case in ensuring consumer safety.

It’s also possible to scan the labels multiple times at different stage of the supply chain, providing the ability to convey more information to detect low quality supplies prior to product dispensing.

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Scalable to less developed economies

Koldchain leverages the most affordable technologies to construct what is nonetheless a very clever solution. The SMS and 2D barcode scanning used for logging colorimetric shifts in the thermosensitive layer are free to the end user and extremely low-cost to the higher supply chain players (vaccine manufacturers, procurers, distributors and wholesalers). The thermosensitive layer is itself based off a cellulose substrate that is more or less just a few multiples of the price of ordinary paper stickers.

By introducing an infrastructure-agnostic mechanism for distribution network self-validation, mPedigree is levelling the playing ground for low resource societies to improve on the quality of cold chain products distributed in their markets and minimize the scope for diversions, dilution and corruption.

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Built on mPedigree’s ubiqutous supply chain management platform, Goldkeys, leveraging on the rich technology ecosystem to deliver a powerful realtime monitoring system.

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